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BigQuerySources hold the connection information to Google BigQuery instances.

BigQuery Authentication

You can authenticate BigQuery in one of two ways: 1. Pass a base64 encoded service account key to the credentials_base64 field. 2. Set the absolute file path to the credentials file in a environment variable named GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.

Using encoding the service key json credential file to base64 can be a useful way to authenticate BigQuery without logging into Google Cloud Console each time and makes it easier to manage credentials in CI/CD pipelines.

However utilizing base64 encoding requires a few extra steps:

  1. Create a Google Cloud Service Account
    1. Go to the Google Cloud Console
    2. Select your project
    3. Navigate to "IAM & Admin" > "Service Accounts"
    4. Click "Create Service Account"
    5. Give it a name and description
    6. Grant it the "BigQuery Admin" role (or more restrictive custom role)
    7. Click "Done"
  2. Create and download credentials
    1. Find your service account in the list
    2. Click the three dots menu > "Manage keys"
    3. Click "Add Key" > "Create new key"
    4. Choose JSON format
    5. Click "Create" - this downloads your credentials file
  3. Convert credentials to base64
    # On Linux/Mac
    python -m base64 < credentials.json > encoded.txt
    # On Windows PowerShell
    [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("credentials.json")) > encoded.txt
  4. Use the contents of encoded.txt as your credentials_base64 value. You can store the single line key in your untracked env file and use the {{ env_var('VAR_NAME') }} syntax to reference the environment variable in your Visivo config.

If you use gcloud locally you probably have this environment variable configured already.

Run echo $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in your terminal. If it returns your crendetials then you're all set. and can configure a BigQuerySource without the credentials_base64 field.

If you don't have the environment variable, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Google Cloud Service Account
    1. Go to the Google Cloud Console
    2. Select your project
    3. Navigate to "IAM & Admin" > "Service Accounts"
    4. Click "Create Service Account"
    5. Give it a name and description
    6. Grant it the "BigQuery Admin" role (or more restrictive custom role)
    7. Click "Done"
  2. Create and download credentials
    1. Find your service account in the list
    2. Click the three dots menu > "Manage keys"
    3. Click "Add Key" > "Create new key"
    4. Choose JSON format
    5. Click "Create" - this downloads your credentials file
  3. Set the environment variable You can set the environment variable in your shell profile file.
    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/your/credentials.json"
    or in your untracked .env file.
    This method is easier to manage and does not require any extra steps to authenticate.

The service account needs at minimum the "BigQuery User" role to execute queries. For more restricted access, you can create a custom role with just the required permissions:

  • bigquery.tables.get
  • bigquery.tables.getData
  • bigquery.tables.list


      - name: bigquery_source
        type: bigquery
        project: my-project-id
        database: my_dataset
        credentials_base64: {{ env_var('BIGQUERY_BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS') }}

Note: Recommended environment variable use is covered in the sources overview.


Field Type Default Description
path string None A unique path to this object
name string None The unique name of the object across the entire project.
host string None The host url of the database.
port integer None The port of the database.
database string None The default BigQuery dataset to use for queries.
username string None Username for the database.
password string None Password corresponding to the username.
db_schema string None The schema that the Visivo project will use in queries.
project string None The Google Cloud project ID that contains your BigQuery dataset.
credentials_base64 string None The Google Cloud service account credentials JSON string base64 encoded. Turn your JSON into a base64 string in the command line with python -m base64 < credentials.json > encoded.txt. Not required if GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable is set.
type string None
connection_pool_size integer 8 The pool size that is used for this connection.