The Trace is one of the most important objects within a Visivo Project. You can think of a trace as a single series on a chart (ie. one line, a sequence of bars, a big number ect.).
Total Revenue by Week
would be a trace. Once you define this metric in a single trace in your project, you can add it to as many charts as you want. This is especially powerful since charts are able to join disparate axis automatically. Meaning you can define a trace for Revenue Per Week
and then define another trace for Revenue per Day
and include both of those traces on the same chart with no extra configuration needed.
This approach has a few key advantages:
- Modularity: Traces can appear on multiple charts & tables.
- Single Source of Truth: Traces are a single source of truth.
- Testable: You can write general & fast tests to ensure that trace data is correct.
To easily cut a trace into multiple cohorts you can use the cohort_on
To represent Revenue Per Week by Account Executive
. You can use the cohort_on
attribute to split out data into different series within a single trace.
- name: rev-per-week-by-account-executive
cohort_on: "account_executive_name"
model: ref(orders)
week: date_trunc('week', "order_date")
orders: count(*)
type: bar
x: column(week)
y: column(orders)
Traces are also where you define how you want to represent your data visually. Since Visivo leverages plotly for charting, you can set up a number of unique and useful trace types that are also highly customizable. See types below.
- name: crypto ohlc
sql: 'SELECT * finance_data_atlas.FINANCE.CMCCD2019'
source_name: remote-snowflake
cohort_on: query( "Cryptocurrency Name" )
type: ohlc
x: query( date_trunc('week', "Date")::date::varchar )
close: query( max_by("Value", "Date") )
high: query( max("Value") )
low: query( min("Value") )
open: query( min_by("Value", "Date") )
color: 'green'
color: 'red'
xaxis: 'x'
yaxis: 'y'
- query("Date" >= '2015-01-01')
- query( "Cryptocurrency Name" in ('Bitcoin (btc)', 'Ethereum (eth)', 'Dogecoin (doge)') )
- query( "Measure Name" = 'Price, USD' )
Field | Type | Default | Description |
path | string | None | A unique path to this object |
name | string | None | The unique name of the object across the entire project. |
changed | boolean | True | NOT A CONFIGURATION attribute is used by the cli to determine if the trace should be re-run |
model | None | The model or model ref that Visivo should use to build the trace. | |
cohort_on | string | None | cohort_on enables splitting the trace out into different series or cohorts. The column or query referenced here will be used to cut the resulting trace. |
order_by | array | None | Takes a column() or query() reference. Orders the dataset so that information is presented in the correct order when the trace is added to a chart. Order by query statements support using asc and desc . |
filters | array | None | A list of column() or query() functions that evaluate to true or false . Can include aggregations in the sql statement. |
tests | Any of: Test, array | None | A list of tests to run against the trace data. Enables making assertions about the nullability of data and relationships between data. |
columns | TraceColumns | None | Place where you can define named sql select statements. Once they are defined here they can be referenced in the trace props or in tables built on the trace. |
props | One of: •Bar •Barpolar •Box •Candlestick •Carpet •Choropleth •Choroplethmapbox •Cone •Contour •Contourcarpet •Densitymapbox •Funnel •Funnelarea •Heatmap •Heatmapgl •Histogram •Histogram2d •Histogram2dcontour •Icicle •Image •Indicator •Isosurface •Mesh3d •Ohlc •Parcats •Parcoords •Pie •Sankey •Scatter •Scatter3d •Scattercarpet •Scattergeo •Scattergl •Scattermapbox •Scatterpolar •Scatterpolargl •Scattersmith •Scatterternary •Splom •Streamtube •Sunburst •Surface •Treemap •Violin •Volume •Waterfall |
Scatter |