-e, --env-file TEXT
-fcpl, --force-complete-property-loading
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
visivo aggregate [OPTIONS]
-o, --output-dir TEXT Directory to output results
-j, --json-file TEXT The file with the raw json results from the query
--help Show this message and exit.
Archives a stage. You must specify a stage when deploying a project.
visivo archive [OPTIONS]
-s, --stage TEXT The stage of the project to deploy i.e. staging
-h, --host TEXT Host to deploy to
-u, --user-dir TEXT Directory containing profile
--help Show this message and exit.
Parses the files in your working directory, extracting visivo configurations and then using those configurations to build the trace queries and a project.json file in your source directory. Queries are not run on compile, just written.
visivo compile [OPTIONS]
-s, --source TEXT Name of the default source connection to use. This
overrides the default source in the project.
-w, --working-dir TEXT Directory to run the command
-o, --output-dir TEXT Directory to output results
-df, --dag-filter TEXT Run the command with the given dag filter
-dp, --dbt-profile TEXT The dbt profile to use
-dt, --dbt-target TEXT The dbt target to use
--help Show this message and exit.
Refreshes the dbt objects in the for use in Visivo.
visivo dbt [OPTIONS]
-w, --working-dir TEXT Directory to run the command
-o, --output-dir TEXT Directory to output results
-dp, --dbt-profile TEXT The dbt profile to use
-dt, --dbt-target TEXT The dbt target to use
--help Show this message and exit.
Sends the current version of your project, traces & data to where it can be viewed by other users on your account. You must specify a stage when deploying a project. The stage allows multiple versions of your project to exist remotely. This is very useful for setting up different dev, CI and production environments.
visivo deploy [OPTIONS]
-w, --working-dir TEXT Directory to run the command
-o, --output-dir TEXT Directory to output results
-s, --stage TEXT The stage of the project to deploy i.e. staging
-h, --host TEXT Host to deploy to
-u, --user-dir TEXT Directory containing profile
--help Show this message and exit.
Creates a distributable version of this dashboard and stores it in a 'dist' folder. This folder can be statically deployed to any web server, hosting service, or bucket storage.
Note: Make sure to run visivo run
before running visivo dist
visivo dist [OPTIONS]
-o, --output-dir TEXT Directory to output results
-d, --dist-dir TEXT Directory to output the distribution files
--help Show this message and exit.
Enables a quick set up by writing your source & api credentials to an env file.
visivo init [OPTIONS]
--help Show this message and exit.
Compiles the project and then runs the trace queries to fetch data to populate in the traces. Writes all data to the source directory. Can skip the compile with the --skip-compile flag.
visivo run [OPTIONS]
-w, --working-dir TEXT Directory to run the command
-o, --output-dir TEXT Directory to output results
-df, --dag-filter TEXT Run the command with the given dag filter
-s, --source TEXT Name of the default source connection to
use. This overrides the default source in
the project.
-th, --threads TEXT The max number of threads to use when
running trace queries
-dp, --dbt-profile TEXT The dbt profile to use
-dt, --dbt-target TEXT The dbt target to use
-sc, --skip-compile Skips the compile phase. This is useful if
you have already compiled just want to run
or serve.
-tm, --thumbnail-mode [none|missing|all]
Mode for thumbnail generation: 'none' to
disable, 'missing' to generate only missing
thumbnails, 'all' to generate all
thumbnails, 'refresh' to force regeneration
of all thumbnails
-p, --port INTEGER What port to serve on
--help Show this message and exit.
Enables fast local development by spinning up a localhost server to run and view your project locally. Visivo will automatically refresh your project and re-run traces that have changed when you make updates to project files.
visivo serve [OPTIONS]
-s, --source TEXT Name of the default source connection to
use. This overrides the default source in
the project.
-w, --working-dir TEXT Directory to run the command
-o, --output-dir TEXT Directory to output results
-df, --dag-filter TEXT Run the command with the given dag filter
-p, --port INTEGER What port to serve on
-tm, --thumbnail-mode [none|missing|all]
Mode for thumbnail generation: 'none' to
disable, 'missing' to generate only missing
thumbnails, 'all' to generate all
thumbnails, 'refresh' to force regeneration
of all thumbnails
-th, --threads TEXT The max number of threads to use when
running trace queries
-sc, --skip-compile Skips the compile phase. This is useful if
you have already compiled just want to run
or serve.
--help Show this message and exit.
Enables testing trace values to ensure that the charts that are being produced have the characteristics that you would expect.
visivo test [OPTIONS]
-s, --source TEXT Name of the default source connection to use. This
overrides the default source in the project.
-w, --working-dir TEXT Directory to run the command
-o, --output-dir TEXT Directory to output results
--help Show this message and exit.