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You can configure email alert destinations for any SMTP provider. Here's an example of this configuration looks in your yaml file:

  - name: email-destination #any unique name of your choosing
    type: email
    subject: "[ALERT] Your Visivo Tests Have Failed" #can be any message you want
    port: 2525 #is this port by default
    username: someones_username
    password: {{ env_var('EMAIL_PASSWORD')}} #We'd recommend using environment variables here for security


Field Type Default Description
path string None A unique path to this object
name string None The unique name of the object across the entire project.
type string None The type of alert destination.
subject string Visivo Alert Subject of the alert email.
to string None The email to send the alert to.
port integer 2525 The port of the email server that the destination is connecting to.
host string None The host of the email server that the destination is connecting to.
username string None The username for authenticating the email server.
password string None The password for authenticating the email server.